Snorkeling Around Pahawang: Just Keep Swimming!

Tulisan ini melanjutkan kisah saya di Pulau Pahawang (baca: Pahawang Besar Island: An Escape on the Free Days and Times). Bagian yang paling penting dari mengunjungi Pulau Pahawang adalah snorkeling!

This writing continues my story in Pahawang Island (read: Pahawang Besar Island: An Escape on the Free Days and Times), The most important part from visiting Pahawang Island is snorkeling!

blurp blurp
Ada empat spot menarik di sekitar Pulau Pahawang:
  1. Pulau Kelagian
  2. Pulau Pahawang Kecil
  3. Pulau Gosong 1
  4. Pulau Gosong 2 (alias lupa namanya apa yang jelas ada gosongnya, hehee)
There are four interesting spots around Pahawang Island;
  1. Kelagian Island
  2. Pahawang Kecil Island
  3. Gosong 1 Island
  4. Gosong 2 Island (alias I can't remember the name, but there is a "gosong" word on it, hehee)
I even didn't need to used the ladder to start swimming
my team was so happy to take a picture in Kelagian Island
Pulau Kelagian merupakan tempat yang tepat untuk mereka yang baru pertama kali snorkeling. Jika sudah cukup mahir, kita bisa berpindah ke sisi timur untuk praktik snorkeling. Pemandangan bawah laut Pulau Kelagian cukup indah tapi Pulau Kelagian bukanlah spot snorkeling favorit saya. Karena air laut yang dangkal, hati-hati dengan risiko tertabrak terumbu karang. Sebisa mungkin kita tetap menggunakan fins agar kaki kita tidak tertabrak karang.

Kelagian Island is the right place to everybody whom experienced his/her first snorkeling. If we already advance enough, we can move to the east side to practice snorkeling. The under the sea's scenery of Kelagian Island is quite beautiful but Kelagian Island is not my favorite snorkeling spot. Because of the shallow's sea water, be careful with the risk of getting hit by coral reef. As possible as we can, keep using the fins so that your feet do not get hit the coral.

Pahawang Kecil Island, so beautiful T,T
Spot kedua kami adalah Pulau Pahawang Kecil. Snorkeling di tempat ini merupakan favorit saya selama di Pahawang. Terumbu karang di sini berwarna-warni dan ikan-ikan lucu banyak berenang di sekitar kami. Jika suka tantangan, boleh juga mencoba berenang dari tengah spot snorkeling ke Pulau Pahawang Kecil.

Our second spot is Pahawang Kecil Island. Snorkeling at this place was my favorite when I was in Pahawang. The coral reef here is colorful and there are so many cute fish swim around us. If you love challenge, you can try swimming from the middle of snorkeling spot to Pahawang Kecil Island.

Gosong Island 1, against the current!
Gosong Island 2, it's like the real Gelanggang Samudera Ancol
Keesokan harinya kami snorkeling di Pulau Gosong 1 dan 2. Karena saya tidak bisa mengingat nama spesifik spot pertama dan kedua, saya menganggapnya si Gosong 1 dan 2, haha. Pengalaman menarik yang saya dapatkan ketika snorkeling di Pulau Gosong 1 adalah saya harus berenang sekitar 100 meter ke kapal dengan kondisi melawan arus (dan saya menjadi yang tercepat!). Snorkeling di Pulau Gosong 2 juga saya kenang sebagai tempat dengan arus yang keras. Saya merasa seperti berada di Kolam Arus Gelanggang Samudera Ancol.

On the next day, we snorkel in Gosong Island 1 and 2. Because I can not remember the specific name of the first and second spots, I assume them as the Gosong 1 and 2, haha. The interesting experience that I got when snorkeling on the Gosong 1 Island was I had to swim about 100 meters to the boat against the current (and I was the fastest!). I also recalled snorkeling at Gosong 2 Island as the place with the hard current. I felt like I was in the Gelanggang Samudera Ancol pool.

Ini adalah pengalaman pertama saya melawan arus keras ketika snorkeling dan ternyata hey, it's really fun! Setiap berada di tengah laut, ingatlah just keep swimming!

This was my first experience against the hard current when snorkeling and evidently hey, it's really fun! Every time we are in the middle of the sea, remember just keep swimming!

Tips snorkeling untuk yang berjilbab (tips snorkeling for hijabers):
  1. Pakai celana ya sekali-sekali karena kalau pakai rok susah gerak kakinya. (Wear the pants once in a while, okay? Because if you wear a skirt, it will be hard to move the legs.)
  2. Jangan sampai kerudung bagian kepala terlipat, berisiko masker bakal kemasukan air. (Do not let the head scarf folded, the water can come in to the masker.)
  3. Untuk menghindari risiko baju atau kerudung "terbang-terbang" di dalam air, bawa peniti yang banyak. (To avoid the risk the clothes or veils to be floating in the water, take a lot of pins.)
