Football Legends Tour 2014: You Just Too Good To Be True

Saya cinta berat sama Alessandro Nesta sejak umur dia 24 tahun! Coba tebak berapa umur saya waktu itu? 10 tahun (!) dan saya sudah bisa membedakan pria yang ganteng maupun tidak ganteng! Hahaha.

I have been really in love with Alessandro Nesta since he was 24 years old! Guess how old I was on that time? 10 years old (!) and I had been able to distinguish the handsome and the not handsome man! Hahaha.

Tepat di umur saya yang ke-24 (juga) akhirnya saya menyaksikan langsung pertandingan Nesta menggunakan mata saya. Yap! Berhubung dia sudah pensiunan, dia bermain bersama para legenda sepakbola dunia lainnya di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno dalam acara Football Legends Tour 2014 dan saya juga berada di sana. Demi Nesta seorang. Hahaha.

Right in my 24th age (too) finally I could watch Nesta match directly with my own eyes. Yap! Because he is already retired, he played with the other football legends in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in the Football Legends Tour 2014 show and I was there too. Only for Nesta. Hahaha.

Walaupun awalnya sempat galau antara nonton atau tidak karena lumayan juga biayanya Rp 350.000 untuk bisa duduk di bangku kelas 1, akhirnya saya datang juga dengan alasan: investasi kenangan. Kapan lagi saya punya kenangan menyaksikan Nesta secara langsung.

Although first I was in doubt to watched the match or not because the cost to watched it was quiet expensive Rp 350.000 for class 1 tribune, finally I came with one reason: memory investment. I didn't even know when I could watch Nesta directly on the other opportunity.

Di saat yang lain heboh menyaksikan pertandingan, saya malah heboh memperhatikan Nesta dan he is just too good to be true.

When the others were excited to watched the game, I actually was too excited of paying attention to Nesta and he is just too good to be true.

I'm playing, babe!
A little chat with Matrix in the game

always smiles:))))
Pertandingan berakhir dengan kedudukan 5-2 untuk legenda dunia. Nesta hanya bermain di babak pertama. Di babak kedua, Nesta hanya duduk di bangku cadangan dan dengan manis dia duduk di bangku cadangan paling pojok sehingga saya bisa memperhatikan dan mengarahkan kamera kepada dia lagi. Hehehe.

The match ended up by score 5-2 for world legends. Nesta only played the first round. On the second round, Nesta only sat down on the bench and sweetly he sat at the edge of the bench so I could pay attention and directed my camera to him again. Hehehe.

maybe he's thinking of his family
still thinking

he showed us his sexy back!

fixing his hair

see? he always smiles :))))

comfort position

ciao Indonesia!

Setelah pertandingan, kami menunggu di luar untuk memberikan lambaian perpisahan kepada para pemain (meskipun ini tidak penting bagi mereka sih, haha). Saya berada di sekitar Laziale yang heboh menyanyikan chant untuk Nesta. Tiamo Nesta tiamo Nesta tiamo Nesta tiamo Nesta (I love you Nesta) dengan nada refrain lagu Can't Take My Eyes Off of You yang lawas itu sambil menunggu Nesta keluar. Dan saya berdiri di sisi yang tepat. Ketika bus pemain keluar, Nesta hanya berjarak sekitar 1,5 meter dari saya dengan senyum manisnya yang legendaris dan dengan kulit cokelatnya yang matang terbakar matahari.

After the match, we waited on the outside to said goodbye for the players (although this was not important for them, haha). I was in the group of Laziale which excitedly sang the chant for Nesta. Tiamo Nesta tiamo Nesta tiamo Nesta tiamo Nesta (I love you Nesta) with the refrain tone of Can't Take My Eyes Off of You song while waiting Nesta to went out. And I was standing on the right side. When the player's bus went out, Nesta was only within about 1,5 meters from me with his legendary bright smile and his tanned dark skin.

You just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

Sepertinya kekaguman saya terhadap dia tidak akan berkurang sama sekali meski dia sudah pensiun dari sepak bola.

Probably my admiration to him will never diminish at all though he has been retired from football.

Kalau mau ngeceng pemain di GBK (haha!) (If you want to "monitor' player in GBK (haha!))::
1. Duduk di tribun barat karena bangku pemain cadangan dan lorong menuju pemain ganti ada di sana. (Sit down on the west side of the stadium because the bench and aisle to the dressing room is there.)
2. Bawa kamera yang fokusnya bisa jauh kayak punya wartawan. (Bring the camera with a very long focus like the one the journalist's owned.)
3. Teriakin aja nama pemainnya, siapa tau terdengar dan dia nyamperin nanti. Hahaha. (Just scream the player's name out, who knows he will listen it and come close. Hahaha. 
